Online Visibility Academy Membership test

Digital Marketing Training Academy

Online Visibility Academy Membership: Digital Marketing The Right Way

Hey business owner, want to reach a larger, potentially global, audience?
 Hyper-target the prospects who are most likely to buy your services?
Powerfully nurture your buyer’s journey?
(And do all of this in a cost-effective manner while measuring your success daily?)  

    It’s easy.

You just need to crack the digital marketing code.  
So, does that mean you need to learn the latest digital marketing tricks and fads?
Sign up for the hottest app or platform?
Follow your favourite marketing guru’s advice word-for-word?


You need to get back to digital marketing basics.
Focus on these 5 essential channels and you’ll be on your way!    
SEO /  Content Marketing  / Social Media Marketing /  Email Marketing /  Word of Mouth Marketing      

That’s it.

 These 5 channels provide the foundation for every successful digital marketing strategy out there.  

     “But wait. You’re making it sound too easy!”  
Don’t overthink it.
Pare down your tactics to the essentials that suit your business.
Then build from there.    

   “But… how do I create a digital marketing plan that will work for MY business?”  

Keep reading.      

 Most businesses go online to market products/services to current and prospective customers.
 It’s where the majority of your audience researches and shops.  
 The benefits are numerous.

Digital marketing…   Allows you to reach a global audience  
 Is hyper-targeted, connecting you with the prospects who are most likely to purchase from you  
Is cost-effective  
Can be used at any stage of the buyer’s journey  
 Gives you the ability to measure your progress daily (or even hourly or minute-by-minute!)      
 Digital marketing is a must-have for all businesses.    
But you probably know that already.  
 Here’s where things can go wrong…
many small businesses jump right into tactics without a plan.
They’ll do a bit of social media, randomly optimize some website pages, or implement the latest fads because their favourite marketing guru recommended an advanced technique.  

 If you don’t stop to think about what’s right for YOUR BUSINESS and customize your tactics accordingly, you won’t get the results you’re looking for.      

We know, because it happened to us.  

Without a digital marketing strategy, we chased every shiny new thing out there. If it had the word free attached to it, we were all over it like a rash.
And it was exhausting.
No tactic had the time to bed in before it was ripped out and replaced.

The strategy we had was simple - sling enough mud and pray that some stuck.
It never did.

Until we sat down and strategised properly, and then started working out what skills we needed, and what we needed to learn.

Fast forward to now, and you have the benefit of our experience.
We've marketed businesses online since 2006, and we marketed tough businesses (you know the not so sexy kind that no one wants to talk about) through recessions and tough economies.
And we're still here
Because it works!

How Digital Marketing Benefits Your Business

Take a quick look at this graphic. It's a common idea that digital marketing works immediatley and it's only benefit is generating sales.
Yes enquiries do come in and focussing on your ROI is important so you need to know what it looks like when your digital marketing is working for your business 

SPECIAL OFFER! Join now for as little as £37.00 per month 

Here's What You'll Get When You Join The Online Visibility Academy

Video Training

Work at your own pace with our video training. Packed with engaging slides and anecdotes - learning new skills has never been more fun! 

Course Book

Prefer reading? Our course book means you never have to watch a video if you don't want to! It also means you have something to download and scribble on as you watch the course. 

Action Guides

Each module comes with a set of action steps so you can immediately implement your new skills. You will have a complete action plan from the guide upon completion of the course! 

NEW in The Academy

Courses Included in the Online Visibility Academy Membership

That's a fair bit of digital marketingl marketing training!

For just £37  a month.
You don't have to fork out thousands and cross your fingers, you can join the Online Visibility Academy gain immediate access to all the training mentioned above, and more! 


You'll get these exclusive to the membership extras! 

A group call

When you join the Online Visibility Academy we run regular live Q&A sessions so you can ask any nagging questions you may have. 


Where possible we share exclusive templates with the OVA community.
Yes!, we're all about making your life easier and speeding up your marketing! 


Nothing more frustrating that attempting something and needing an additional tool or resource. Here at the Online Visibility Academy, our members are equipped with the tools and resources lists and checklists to ensure they know exactly what to do! 

About The Course Creators

Kevin and Sarah Arrow have marketed their businesses online since 2006, and developed online courses since 2012.

They developed a passion for marketing small businesses when people kept approaching them for help and support with their business.

As course instructors, they ensure that the most up to date learning techniques are in their learning portal, and are confident that their easy to follow training will help you get the results you're looking for!

Kevin and Sarah have 3 children, and 2 of their daughters are international martial arts champions. They also have cats that rules the household.

What Our Happy Clients Are Saying

Don't just take our word for it... Here's what some of our happy customers and clients say about our training! 

I consider myself a pretty savvy business owner, but I can get in my own way from time to time. One session with Sarah and I’m back on track with more clarity and focus than before. Sarah doesn’t do gobbley gook speak, she spoke like a real human, and understood my challenges, even when I didn’t, and she went above and beyond to help me. I couldn’t recommend anyone more, book a call and see for yourself, she’s brilliant!

Alice Miriam

Kevin helped me get on the right track providing so much value in the short time we met. After putting the pieces in to place, it was time to meet again. This time my business was on a new path and Kevin was able to steer in the right direction making full use of my platform and marketing tools, ensuring I continue to provide immense value for my customers and anyone else who interacts with my business. Can’t wait to see the results of our latest action plan! We will definitely be catching up again soon! Thanks

Darren Quinn

Kevin Arrow is a gifted online course expert. He masterfully guided me to explore new possibilities in the domain of course creation. His wisdom runs deep. His commitment to quality outcomes is of the highest order. Each question I posed to him was met with well-articulated answers. Kevin effortlessly demonstrates that not only is he a subject matter expert, but he has a unique gift for transferring his knowledge to others in a way that is motivating and inspires immediate implementation. I recommend Kevin without reservation for online course development trainings and consultations, as well as launch consultations.

Ozioma Egwuonwu

Course Pricing

Tier 2

$30 USD

per month

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$20 USD

per month

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Good question.

People get online courses for many reasons. Sometimes they just want to learn one element, or they want the bonuses. If this is you, then it will work for you. Others want to learn from the content and boost their skillset. Most people find when they follow our courses they get their desired outcome at the end.

However, if you are the sort of person that buys courses and never looks at them, then it will not work for you. As good as we are at delivering, incredible, actionable content we've yet to master downloading it directly into your brain.

If you are the sort of person that prefers 1-2-1 attention, most people find that booking that option is perfect for them and that a course like this will not fulfil that need.

This works best for small business owners who want to develop the skills to market their business and get results. You may be fed-up to the gills from all the shiny-shiny methods that don't work long term, you might just want to do it right from the start, if you want the results, we'll give you the skills to get them.

Upon purchase you'll visit the registration page and add your details. You can start straightaway.
You will also get email reminders of your logins etc, look out for those.
There's also an App where you can download it to your mobile device and then listen /watch your courses from us when you are on the go, waiting for something or just have spare 10 minutes. Our course takers love how convenient we make it for them to learn new skills.