Content into Cash

6 Pieces of Content That Generate Leads & Sales

Course Summary

Back in 2006, I was just like you, maybe just a few of the details are different. I was a partner in a business, and a mum of 3 daughters, two of them under the age of 3... And we needed leads in our business - fast.  We'd done all the usual things you do to get business -  phone calls, leaflet drops, advertising, but our phones weren't ringing. By accident I discovered blogging and by 2009 our regional transport company had a bigger digital footprint than DHL, Fedex and UPS combined. That's right, our small company was trouncing the "big boys" at content marketing, even though they had big fancy ad budgets and teams the size of continent.

We found more and more people were approaching us to help make their content work, because all the advice du jour wasn't working for small business owners.

By 2010 our content had won a 7 figure contract, not bad, considering we work from a country which would fit into the average US state or Canadian Province 4 times!  Yes, size matters - the size of your content and how it fits your 5-star clients!

Imagine for a moment that you are inspired to write a post. You share it on Facebook and then a few hours later you notice you've 50 new subscribers, and you've made some sales as your subscribers have purchased your tripwires and expansion packs.  You feel a warm glow and you love how you have emails in place to nurture these leads, and you have the right content that will help them make a purchasing decision.

You love that this piece of content will generate leads for you over and over and over again.

You love that you have all the content you need nurture your leads and help them. You love that you can give this value whilst you're working or when you're out having fun.

And this is the very reason why you need Content into Cash.

I don't know if this is for you, because there are two types of entrepreneur. There's the type that likes to "rent" audiences from other social media platforms and then pay (through the nose) to gain their attention.

And there's people a lot like me... They want to create the content and have it work for them. They want to promote the content that will do the heavy lifting for them. They want more freedom to do all the things they want without all the hassle. They have open hearts and minds, and more importantly their reasons for trying are bigger than their excuses.

Now, if you sound like the second entrepreneur, then come on over and join content into cash.

When you join you'll get an email within 10 minutes with your logins to our secure platform. Here you will get your directions on what to do next.

Each week there will be a training released, and you'll get 5-7 days to complete it (no nasty, bitter little pills here), in fact, you'll love our kaizen approach.

Everything you'll learn is for continued improvement.
There's no rapid, unsustainable change that means the moment you finish the program, everything falls down around your ears!

Inside of 8 weeks you'll be creating incredible content that helps you throughout every stage of your lead nurturing strategy.

And you'll love how easy it is !

The CMI says content is one of the most effective ways to promote a business. Almost half of all marketers plan to use content to reach their customers.  But, according to Marketing Profs and the CMI, 63% of businesses don’t have a documented content strategy. Yup, they're winging it, and that's okay until you realise you're creating content that needs a purpose and it needs to work for you.
After all, there's only so many sales a cat meme can help you generate!

So, let's talk about turning your content into cash... What do you get when you join us?

Kevin Arrow is a gifted online course expert. He masterfully guided me to explore new possibilities in the domain of course creation. His wisdom runs deep. His commitment to quality outcomes is of the highest order. Each question I posed to him was met with well-articulated answers. Kevin effortlessly demonstrates that not only is he a subject matter expert, but he has a unique gift for transferring his knowledge to others in a way that is motivating and inspires immediate implementation. I recommend Kevin without reservation for online course development trainings and consultations, as well as launch consultations

Ozioma Egwuonwu

Difficult to know where to start .... Kevin is a quite brilliant at marketing the digital world. His ability to see to the heart of problems and offer solutions that work, fit your own skill level and in easy to understand language is most impressive. He is a joy to work with - direct, engaging, open-minded and totally decent. In short, a top person!

Nigel Lowson

What I really like about working with Kevin is his deep understanding of not just marketing a business, but how to actually run a business successfully. This knowledge has helped me to make considered decisions about what I need to do in order to prevent myself from wasting a lot of time and money. I especially value Kevin's honest approach to giving advice, which has always been spot on even if it is not always what I would like to hear.  If you are looking for someone to tell you what you want to hear about marketing and business, then go elsewhere. If you want to know exactly what you need to do to be successful then speak to Kevin. His knowledge and experience is vast

Susan Marot

The Content in Cash Method

Sarah's knowledge and insight into blogging is invaluable. I have read some of her books and taken some of her courses. She has offered support to so many people over the years. Her advice is always just what I am looking for.

Rebecca Bradshaw

Sarah is an amazing lady who has transformed my blog writing. Her knowledge, expertise and experience in this area - and the impact blogging can have on your business are unrivalled. I have no hesitation in recommending Sarah

Susan Heaton-Wright

Wow! In an incredibly short time Sarah transformed my website into a fully functional, search-engine friendly, fully sales oriented machine! She's even ensured it is technodummy friendly too. I'm hugely impressed with her knowledge and abilities.

Lesley Morrissey

Kevin Arrow

Sarah Arrow

Esther Nagle

Wellbeing Expert

I absolutely adore these people! If you want to know about content marketing, anything at all about content marketing, then you really do need to #followthearrows. Sarah and Kevin are so knowledgeable on their topic, are very generous in their support and encouragement, and really do 'walk the talk' of what they teach. Since I have been working with them, my confidence and ability to create and to consider myself a writer, and expert in my field has sky rocketed. I have done several of their courses, including the latest Monthly Club Live, and have benefited enormously with every one.
Monthly club Live has been a complete revelation. I have tried to create clubs in the past, but they have fizzled out because I didn't know all the steps I needed to take in order to create a successful one, but under Sarah and Kevin's guidance I know that when I hit launch I will be able to grow a club that will nourish my members and me beautifully!
I cannot recommend working with the Arrows enough. Don't hesitate, you won't regret it!

Course Pricing

Content into Cash


  • Create the content that your audience truly wants and turn them into fans, subscribers and customers. Warning! This training will

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