Content Writing Ignition

Ignite Your Words and Accelerate Your Business Content

Ignite Your Words & Accelerate Your Content

All the things you've ever said about content...

We hear you... And we have the answer!

Content powers the web.

From attracting clients to ads to this page that you're reading right now... It's all content. Content Marketing is marketing.

The great thing about content is that it's backbone, or linchpin, is words. Writing. And writing is a skill. Skills can be learned. You're ready for it now whereas you might not have been in the past. You're a different person to the person that tried to learn to write with an impatient teacher, or the hyper-critical parent or the well-meaning friend that content-shamed you.

When it comes to content you're told the why, but expected to learn the how by osmosis... Thought transferance or good ol' magic.  When you know how, all the arguments that these things are magic or a gift will fall apart.  You'll find your goals easier to reach. Content will power your share of the web.

When you take power over your content you'll love how you can market your business, increase your influence and your audience without having to play nicely with algorithms that make no sense!

Welcome to Content Ignition. For writers, authors, online entrepreneurs and small business owners and anyone who has ever thought any of the things in the picture above.

You want incredible visibility, client attracting content and a steady stream of subscribers, without having to sell your soul, your first-born or a kidney in the process!

Great for organic, ad-free audience growth.            

Finally have your content working for you and not against you!   

With Content Ignition You’ll Discover How To:

Find the content types that resonate with your audience so you can stop wasting hours of your life (that you can't get back) on content that doesn't work.  

Create audiences that find you naturally and organically. Perfect if your potential clients to know they need a transformation and just want the right person (you).

  • Create client attracting content the natural way! 
  • Build your email list with content instead of advertising saving you thousands in advertising cash
  • Create content for all stages of your marketing easily
  • Create the pages for your website with ease - never be stuck for another word! 

You'll love that the Content Ignition Course is accessible on any device from desktop to your smartphone.
You have action guides, action sheets and all of these are downloadble so you can refer back to them again and again and again.
There's planners to help you gain quick wins and video training for your long term content goals.

It's rocket fuel for your content marketing.

Let's Take a Look Inside:

Alice Elliott

Fairy Blog Mother

What Sarah doesn’t know about keyword usage isn’t worth knowing. Her business growth and popularity are living proof of her success with keywords. This course pinpoints the minutiae and yet makes everything appear to be so effortless. Yet we all know her vast knowledge is a goldmine if you want to make headway with the search engines. An essential course for anyone using digital marketing.

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Content Ignition


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Kevin Arrow

Sarah Arrow

Who are we to train you in this?

Back in 2006 we had a transport business that was on the verge of bankruptcy. Kevin suggested Sarah does something with the computer to generate some leads...

Sarah discovered blogging and it's power. Blogging of course is all grown up now, and called content marketing, but over the years Sarah has worked out how content works.
She's created blog posts that have won 7-figure contracts, she's created content that's gone viral, change government policy and educated girls in Africa.
Her sites have won awards from places like Forbes, The Guardian and the blogging challenge has trained over 700,000 bloggers since 2007.

Authority and Influence start with content. Tony Robbins invited Sarah for drinks in Canary Wharf, Martha Stewart invited her to a party (Sarah didn't go) and there's been many other adventures along the way.

They've all started with content. And content is the reason you're here reading this.
It's time your content started to work for you.

Join now... Your business will thank you for it! 

Content Ignition


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