Business Goal Setting That Gets Results

Shall we talk about goal setting?
I forget how long I'd been in business when someone asked me what my goals were. 

It was at a business networking breakfast, and the conversation was highly intrusive and my immediate response (because I just can't stay quiet at times) was "Why do you want to know what my goals are?"
"Oh so I can see what type of person you are" came the reply.
I should've shut up, but brain engages the tongue muscles really fast and the reply spills out: "Not the type of person who shares their business goals and achievements with random strangers over a croissant and coffee".

He gives me a strange look and shuffles away.

Me and that guy?
 Well, we never did any business together, in fact all I can recall about him is his nosy question around my business goals. Despite the fact I rarely share my business goals publicly, the truth is in 16 years of business I've always achieved my goals.

I've never been one for wearing my goals on my sleeve, the psychology of it works in my favour - when you share your goals publicly you're not doing yourself any good - Peter Gollwitzer's research highlights this here:
"Telling people what you want to achieve creates a premature sense of completeness. While you feel a sense of pride in letting people know what you intend to do, that pride doesn't motivate you and can in fact hurt you later on.  When you write down or think about your intentions, there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be. The compelling need to close this gap helps you to act on your intentions. But when you let others know about it, the gap closes because you (artificially) feel the same way you do after completing your intentions."

This is where I see so many goal-setting programs going wrong.
You're encouraged to create a goal, not any business goal that you can achieve but something with big, hairy or audacious attached to it. Or all 3 - big, hairy and audacious. Then you share it on social media. Then you do the work... And you don't achieve the goal. Because in going public you close the gap and lose your motivation.

For a long while I struggled with being a business goal setting ninja, a form of goal survivors guilt I guess.
 Here's me, this ordinary, dare I say normal person with the ability to achieve the business goals that we set. Yep, it's not just me this works on, it works on Kevin too, and he's the least goal-settery type person on the planet. This year he set up the Online Visibility Agency (where we do social media for clients) and he doubled the projected revenues. Me? Oh, you need an example from me... I enrolled 1500 new students into this academy with zero paid advertising. My goal was 900 people.

When I see people stressing out over their business goals I really feel for them because it doesn't have to be that way! 

I'll come right out with it (that brain-tongue thing again)... I'd like to teach you business goal setting that works. Our method is a blend of SMART (hate these) goals and 90 Day (love these) goals. When you use this method you'll find it's fun to get to where you want to be.

This isn't your typical business goal setting course (as you may have guessed), you see we have abundant mindsets - we believe there's enough for everyone. This means we can share our business goal setting methods with you, no matter what you do, because there's enough business for all of us!

So here's what you can do... Click the enrol button and join the Get Set Goal course. Or scroll down and take a look what's in the programme. 


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Kevin Arrow

Sarah Arrow

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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