WordPress in a Weekend

Set Up Your WordPress Website Today!

Course Summary

Whether you're an entrepreneur building your first website, or someone who would like to understand their own WordPress website better, this is the course just for you. Give us the weekend, and we'll give you the keys to your WordPress website!

Are you thinking of starting an online business? You know you need a website and blog, but you're stuck on how to create it? Or, do you have an online business, and are sick of paying (and waiting on) designers to make the changes you need done to your site?

It's time for you to take the bull by the horns and finally learn WordPress, and take control of one of your most important business assets; your website!

The WordPress in a Weekend workshop will walk you through everything!

You’ll learn the basics – from how to install WordPress to how to create posts and pages.
You’ll learn which pages your website needs – and how to create easy navigation, so your readers will be able to find exactly what they’re looking for.

You’ll learn how to personalise the back end of your site, by adding the plugins you need, as well as how to customise the appearance of your site with a customised home page and header.

Learning WordPress will save you time and money!

You won’t need to hire a designer and wait for them to set up your site or make changes to your existing site. After you take the WordPress in a Weekend workshop, you’ll know how to do these things yourself!
You Will Receive Immediate Access To The Following 12 WordPress training sessions: 

Course Curriculum

These simple over-my-shoulder videos will help you learn WordPress and how to keep your website up-to-date!

If you can send an email, you can do this training. Even if you don't consider yourself techie!

Jo Soley


A day with Sarah is like a week with another coach. We nailed it. I am a marketing coach, my message and tribe is evolving. We sorted my new message, package ideas, copy, got a new website up in an afternoon and optimised SEO.

We've been exactly where you are!

Back in 2006 we needed a website for our transport company. I thought it was a simple as installing WordPress on my computer!
I didn't realise we needed a domain name (The www. bit you type into the browser bar), hosting (the space where your website sits on the web), words and pictures (content) for the pages and what felt like a degree in technology!
All I wanted was some plain English training and what I got was a bucket-load of techo-geek speak!

Fast forward to now, and we've built 100s of websites, (probably thousands) and helped WordPress website owners out of jams with their plugins, themes and marketing!

We'd like to help you too. WordPress in a Weekend is a self-study, work at your own pace training course. You can take the course over a weekend, or in an afternoon.

What do I Need to Complete This Training?

You will need a domain name, and hosting with Cpanel. Most hosting companies have this. Then start the training!
That's it!
You'll love how simple and uncomplicated we make WordPress.
Remember, if you can send an email you can install WordPress, and make your own WordPress Website in a Weekend!

Course Pricing

WordPress in a Weekend


  • One-time payment, access for the lifetime of this site (5 years and counting). All new updates included!

Buy Now

Sarah did a stunning job on my website, not only on look-and-feel but also functionality. To say I was stunned and impressed was an understatement. I will recommend Sarah to any business big or small, she will change the way you look at online for the better!

Simon Twilley
Video Producer