Email List From Scratch

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Email List From Scratch

The Simple List Building Blueprint

Stay top of mind in your marketing...

Did you know over 70% of visitors to your website will never return again. So, to say you need an email list is the understatement of the year! 

  • A visitor finds your site
  • They're not quite ready to buy...
  • They subscribe to your lead magnet 
  • They fall in love with your follow-up emails...
  • They get ready to take the next steps with you! 
  • Why? Because they know, like and trust you enough to take the next steps!
But if you don't have an email address, how can you nurture someone to the point they're ready to buy from you?

Despite what people tell you, social media isn't enough... You need to have an email list to build relationships with your prospects and grow your business!

Oh, and if I didn't mention it... Email Marketing is one of the most economical forms of marketing. Research shows that for every $1 you spend on email marketing you get $42 back. That's an impressive ROI, unrivalled by any other form of marketing!

What's Inside Email Marketing From Scratch

Everything you need to map out your impactful email list, and then put it together! 

Module 1: Start with the Essentials!

Recognize the key actions you need to take to build your email list, so you can leverage one of the most powerful assets of any business Set realistic goals for your list-building activities, so you can make steady progress towards your objective of having a targeted email list

Module 2: Define Your Target Audience

Describe the ideal customer you want on your email list, so that you’ll be able to create the most relevant and valuable content to engage subscribers, so that they know they're in the right place and ready to buy!

Module 3:  Map Your Customer Journey

Describe the journey you want your clients and customers to take once they have signed up with you, so that you have clear objectives about how you will nurture your relationship with subscribers … and generate more business down the line. We're often told this is the most valuable module in Email List From Scratch!

Module 4: Create Your Lead Magnet

Motivate your ideal customer to sign up for your list by offering a valuable gift that solves one of their challenges… and showcases your talent at the same time.
This powerful tool helps you become trusted by your subscribers, and showcases your expertise!

Module 5: Set Up Your Automated List Building System

Set & Forget! Set up the vital systems you need for building your list, so that your list building can run on autopilot while you focus on other areas of your business. Because life is too short to do it all by hand!

Module 6: Write & Schedule Your Enticing Email Sequence

Write your first follow-up email sequence to keep your subscribers engaged and nurture your relationship with them, so that you build a community of people who will be interested in receiving offers of help from you

Module 7: Start Growing Your Subscriber List

Implement a variety of methods for attracting people to your email opt-in to add them to your list, so that you keep building your list consistently every month. This ways you'll have a steady stream of warm leads into your business!

Module 8: Measure Your Progress!

Monitor the rising numbers on your list, so you can measure how effective your strategies are and where you need to adjust to attract more subscribers.
Analyze the metrics provided by your email marketing platform, so you can see what’s working and make changes to improve your list building

Module 9: Plan Your Next Steps

Make a plan to include additional ways to continue driving traffic to your opt-in page, so that your list keeps expanding and your business revenue grows as a result Identify valuable follow-up content you can offer to keep potential clients engaged and start the important process of nurturing relationships with future clients, so that they gradually grow to know, like, and trust you

About The Course Creators

Kevin and Sarah Arrow have marketed their businesses online since 2006, and developed email lists from scratch since 2011.

Their first email list had 60 people, and they'd met every person in real life! Some of those original subscribers are still with them today!

They've grown their email marketing lists, from scratch to 47,000 subscribers! 

As course instructors, they ensure that the most up to date learning techniques are in their learning portal, and are confident that their easy to follow training will help you get the results you're looking for when building your email list.

Kevin and Sarah have 3 children, and 2 of their daughters are international martial arts champions. They also have a German Shepherd, and a cat that rules the household.

Richard Snell

Programme Manager, UEL

Sarah is a social media guru with exceptional communication skills. Her passion and professionalism is reflected by the successful training and facilitated seminars in conjunction with University East London. Furthermore, she is a pleasure to work with.

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Email List From Scratch



  • If you’re not building an email list, you’re missing out on one of the most effective marketing strategies around.

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Active Campaign Fast-Start

Active Campaign is one of the most powerful email marketing systems out there, this series of videos will help you set up your email list in Active Campaign, and automate all the things you need to!
This over-my-shoulder video series will ensure that you know exactly what to press, and where to find it! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Good question.
People get online courses for many reasons. Sometimes they just want to learn one element, or they want the bonuses. If this is you, then it will work for you. Others want to learn from the content and boost their skillset. Most people find when they follow our courses they get their desired outcome at the end.
However, if you are the sort of person that buys courses and never looks at them, then it will not work for you. As good as we are at delivering, incredible, actionable content we've yet to master downloading it directly into your brain. 
If you are the sort of person that likes 1-2-1 attention, most people find that booking that option is perfect for them.  

This works best for small business owners who want to grow their email list. There's no trickery, black magic, or the need to sell your first born child to get started.
If you don't have a small business then this isn't for you. Sure, you can use email marketing for affiliate marketing, but we don't cover that in this course. Sorry! 

Upon purchase you'll visit the registration page and add your details. You can start straightaway.
You will also get email reminders of your logins etc, look out for those.
There's also an App where you can download it to your mobile device and then listen /watch your courses from us when you are on the go, waiting for something or just have spare 10 minutes. Our course takers love how convenient we make it for them to learn new skills.

You will need an email service provider (ESP), and we recommend Active Campaign. You can use Email Marketing from Scratch with any ESP. We recommend other tools, but they're not essential, they're just things that give you a better result based on our experience.

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